Month: June 2009

  • Catching Up …. yet, again!


    spring1 2

    I really miss it here!  I finally got my computer back up and running.  I’m still having some trouble with a couple of programs, but I don’t think it’s anything that will cause major problems.  That’s what has mainly been keeping me away from here, but also, we’ve had some family visiting from out of town.  They came to see Mom Betty and O.P., and all had a wonderful time together.  They are doing well, and we are all thankful for that.  My sister, who I shared earlier, had recently moved away, is going to be moving back.  That is a blessing for us!  Things just didn’t work out with the house as they had been told it would.  It was a family home, having belonged to his mother before she passed away.  There were members of the family causing many problems, along with a lot of anxiety for my sister. The rest of the family were each wanting their share of the money from the house ASAP … and with so much tension between everyone, my sister and her husband thought it best to just agree to sell it, and move, instead.  I don’t know much about real estate, or this whole ordeal, but from what I’ve heard, it’s a very confusing situation, and there’s division among the other family members, with the house not really belonging to anyone, but to a ‘trust’.  It’s now going to be in a lawyer’s hands, and they have to find a real estate agent to sell it for them, but in the meantime, we’ll be helping them find a nice place here, near us, again!  If you would, please say a prayer for Pattie and Tom … that the Lord smooth the way for them through all of this mess, and that He opens the door to a new home here!  She is very depressed about it all, as she really loved the home, but she was lonely way up there, being away from her children, and grandchildren … and us!  I, for one, will be glad to see her out of the problem, where she can relax again … and I’ve just plain missed her being close! 

    Ian is doing well … me, not so much!  I’m missing him like crazy!  I know God is watching over him, and I’m just so thankful for the cell phone, and computer to stay in touch!  And, my cats are getting along very well … they’re adorable together … wonderful ‘catpanions’! Lol!  Hubby is headed out of town tomorrow, for a few days, to do another Panera Bread Company … he’ll be staying with my sister and her hubby, since the job is up near them.  I know he’ll be well taken care of!!  I’ll be fine, with my cats, and a full freezer!  Lol!  Well, summer has finally arrived here … lots of rain, though, and unfortunately, the ‘muggies’ are setting in.  More rain this week, and it’ll be *90, on Thursday, I do believe they said!  Glad the AC is in good working order!  And, I’m still working on my photography … not too good at posting much of it, though, am I?!  Editing does take quite some time, but that’s my favorite part!  I’ll post some soon!

    So, how have you all been?  I have so much catching up to do around here!  How many of you can say the same?!  Things have just been, for lack of a better word, crazy!  Things don’t seem the same anymore, at all.  Does anyone else feel the same?!  You can’t turn on the radio, or television, or even the computer, without hearing so much negative news these days.  Things are constantly changing, and I’m so grateful that God never does!  Aren’t you?!  He truly is our Strong High Tower, our Rock, in the midst of all the turmoil going on!  At times, though, I find it hard to get away and spend that, much needed, quiet time with Him, with so much busyness going on!  And, it seems like everywhere we go, we’re late!  Time just seems to slip right through our fingers!  Well, God has His timing … I read a devotion today that I could have written … it spoke directly to my heart … it helped to quiet the unrest, the overwhelming anxiousness, and guilt I’ve been feeling a lot of lately.  You tell me if you haven’t had these some of these thoughts, or feelings, as well.  I do hope this word helps you, too!  I’m praying you’ll all have a blessed Tuesday, and no matter how busy your schedule, you can be still and find that rest in Him … remember our time is in His hands! 

    Tiny Tag Flower Blessings and hugs,
                      ~ Deborah <><

    Bar Leaves Thin Vine Down

    My Time Is in His Hands
    (God’s Pursuit of His Harried Ones)

    ‘I’m Late, I’m Late
    for a very important date,
    No time to say hello, goodbye,
    I’m late, I’m late, I’m late
    and when I wave,
    I lose the time I save.’

    White Rabbit’s song – “Alice in Wonderland”
    Lyrics: Bob Hilliard

    Many Christians probably could confess that the above lyrics aptly describe their life.  Every moment of their day is crammed full of commitments and responsibilities.  They are caught up in a whirlwind of activities and responsibilities; running from one commitment to the next.  They feel there are not enough hours in the day, not enough days in the week and not enough months in the year in order to do all they feel obliged to do.  Work responsibilities, family obligations, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, caring for elderly parents, squeezing in a few minutes of exercise each day leaves little time for true rest and emotional, spiritual and physical rejuvenation.  Fatigue is their constant companion and yet they toss and turn at night, worrying about all the things on their ‘to-do’ list that they were not able to accomplish.  Guilt and a vague sense of failure weigh heavily on their shoulders as they feel that they have let their friends, family, and employers down.  Self-condemnation overwhelms them as they struggle to keep a daily
    devotional time with the Lord.  They can’t remember the last time that they were truly able to enjoy
    and be present in ‘the moment’ as their minds constantly race to the next task on their schedule.

    Many Christians feel isolated.  Although co-workers, family and friends surround them, they find it difficult to find
    heart-to-heart connections.  Like the White Rabbit, they barely can afford the time to wave briefly to those they love
    as they scurry past on their way to their next appointment, trying to keep one-step ahead of their tormentors –
    “I should be doing more” and “I’ll never get it all done.”

    I firmly believe God did not intend for his children to be exhausted and frustrated at the end of each day, deprived of rich fellowship with him and with others.  I believe the Lord created us to live in freedom and not in bondage to our day-planners, blackberries and emails.  As I am not an efficiency expert, I wouldn’t presume to offer specific advice on how to organize your life and declutter your schedule.  However, I can direct you to the one who boldly proclaims.
    “Come unto me, all ye that are heavy-laden and I will give you rest”.
    I love Eugene Peterson’s paraphrase of this familiar passage found in Matthew 11: 28-30 (The Message).
    “Are you tired?  Worn out?  Burned out on religion?  Come to me.  Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. 
    I’ll show you how to take a real rest.  Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.
    Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
    Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

    Psalm 31:14-15
    (The Message)

    “Desperate, I throw myself on you:
    you are my God!
    Hour by hour I place my days in your hand,
    safe from the hands out to get me”

    Lord, we place our days before you, hour by hour. 
    We submit our plans, our responsibilities and our commitments to you.
    We are bogged down and we can’t find any way out.
    There are so many things that we feel that we should be doing
    and so many desires and dreams we are trying to attain.  Lord, will you help us prioritise our days?
    We need your grace to lay at your feet all those things that we deem as ‘good things to do.’
    We believe that you are a practical God and that you offer us practical solutions.
    Lead us to your solutions and if we are to reach out to godly those who have found freedom in this area,
    we say we are willing to seek their guidance and wisdom.
    We stand in readiness to heed your directives.
    Give us ears that humbly listen and give us feet
    that are swift to walk along the paths you have set before us.
    In Jesus Name – Amen.

     animated 3 candles 2

quote and verse

Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.
- Andrew Murray -

God often comes to us,
not in dramatic and the spectacular,
but in quiet, unexpected ways ...
In a still, small voice,
a gentle whisper,
God makes known His love.

In quietness and trust
is your strength.
Isaiah 30:15

Pleasure, possessions, power, and privilege are ultimately worthless in comparison to the indescribable
joy of knowing GOD!!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32:8

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