Day: September 24, 2006

  • Bar Needlepoint

    The Beginning…

    Greetings, and blessings to all who happen upon this newly minted blog o’ mine!  I’m here in this little corner of the world wide web, sharing threads of my life, in hopes that maybe one little thread will touch and encourage your life! 
    Tonight, I’m beginning this journey….but be forewarned, I’m new at all the mechanics of this blogging thing, so I pray thee,   
    please bear with me!

    I’m sitting here looking over my many precious inspirational thoughts, and poems, that I’ve collected over the years, so from time to time, I would like to share them with you.  If any touch your heart, as they have mine, send me a note.  I’ll love hearing from you!
    I’ll start with a poem that is apropos to the title of my weblog.  God bless you all, have a great day, and keep checking back for more “threads”!      


    My life is but a weaving
    Between my God and me;
    I may not choose the colors,
    He knows what they should be.
    For He can view the pattern
    Upon the upper side,
    While I can see it only
    On this, the under side.

    Sometimes He weaveth sorrow,
    Which seemeth strange to me;
    But I will trust His judgment,
    And work on faithfully;
    “Tis He who fills the shuttle,
    He knows just what is best;
    So I shall weave in earnest
    And leave with Him the rest.

    At last, when life is ended,
    With Him I shall abide,
    Then I may view the pattern
    Upon the upper side.
    Then I shall know the reason
    Why pain, with joy, entwined,
    Was woven in the fabric
    Of this life that God designed.
    ~Author Unknown~

    ~Scripture of the Day~
    Just as a seamstress carefully guides the needle through the cloth,
    so does the Lord guide us on the paths of our lives with His ever watchful eye.
    “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
    I will guide thee with mine eye”.
    Psalm 32:8

    ~Thought of the Day~
    God did not call us because we were holy;
    He called us to make us holy through His workmanship.

    ~Word of the Day~
    adj.:  ( the “s” is silent ):
    suitable or relevant to what is being said or done

    Sig Tag The Joy of the Lord

quote and verse

Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.
- Andrew Murray -

God often comes to us,
not in dramatic and the spectacular,
but in quiet, unexpected ways ...
In a still, small voice,
a gentle whisper,
God makes known His love.

In quietness and trust
is your strength.
Isaiah 30:15

Pleasure, possessions, power, and privilege are ultimately worthless in comparison to the indescribable
joy of knowing GOD!!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32:8

calendar daze

September 2006
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