Day: November 28, 2006

  • Bar Quilt   

    Hey y’all……I’m back…..I think….well at least I feel 60% here anyway!!  I know, I’ve been negligent about being faithful to my blog,, and although, it may not be too exciting, I’m here now, and ready to fill you in on the last few weeks of the threads of my life since my last entry……. .  I refuse to be like those out there who start a blog, and leave it sit 6 months or longer without an entry!  We all have a nugget or two to share each day that would encourage others……and that’s a good feeling! 
    Well, I hope you’ve all had a very blessed Thanksgiving holiday!  We have so very much to be thankful for!  God is so good!!  Even though lately, the threads of my life have been a bit frayed and frazzled…….my husband and I did have a very nice wedding anniversary!  We had a cozy dinner for two at Carraba’s…….( a yummy authentic Italian restaurant … we highly recommend it for any occasion ! ) 
    Then, during the weekends that have followed we have been very busy with our craft fairs. ( I love doing the shows, meeting people, and sharing a great bar of homemade Smilie soapbox soap with others, but I think I’m getting too old for this )……..
    .I suppose it wouldn’t have been so bad, had I not been sickSmilie Sick through it all!  Somehow, somewhere, I got an upper respiratory infection, which caused me much coughing, and I completely lost my voice! ( I knew a couple of people around here that didn’t mind that one bit……no seriously, my guys took very good care of me! )  I got this “bug” around the end of October, and it lingers on!!!  I’m still quite tired, no energy, and my voice has never been the same since!!  I sound like “Froggy” off of “Our Gang”, from many, many years ago, and I can’t sing either!!  And I love to sing….can’t always carry a tune, but I love singing to the Lord, and now all He hears is a few squeaks here and there!  I certainly wouldn’t make it if I were auditioning for the “Angel’s Choir”!!  Smilie Praying 2 I’m praying it will come back soon…….it’s frustrating when my husband keeps saying, “huh”? whenever I say something!!!  Has anyone out there had this illness, or have you heard of anyone who has had it?  I’ve heard that bronchitis is going around…..I was born with that, and I have had a case of pneunomia in the past.  No, I didn’t go to a doctor, but I’ve treated myself naturally, as usual, and I know I’ll get better soon…..I have to, Christmas is coming, and I have shopping to do!!!!!  We also have a show before Christmas, then a break before January, when we have 3 weekends scheduled for that month!  Enough about all that……I’m feeling tired just blogging about it!  I will say that I am truly thankful my guys haven’t gotten anything from me!  It’s been quite a while that I’ve been this sick, but being down this time has allowed me to rest in the Lord!  Although it’s been rough physically, it’s been quite profitable spiritually!  I haven’t been to the “Way of the Master” meetings, so I do have a few lessons to catch up on there…..but I have been immersed in the Word, and God is mending me both physically, and spiritually!  Even though I’ve felt really down, my spirit has been soaring!  Sometimes it takes something like this to just slow us down a bit, and re-focus on our Heavenly Father…… sense His presence in our lives!  That’s what’s really important….no matter the circumstance, or situation we find ourselves in……He should be first, and foremost, in our hearts and lives!  He brings peace in the midst of our trials and tribulations.  We CAN depend upon him, expect from Him, and thank Him through the hard times!  So if anyone out there is going through a rough time, just fall into His arms…..that’s where all our answers are…..all our needs are met there……what is impossible with us, is perfectly possible with Him!!  

    Well, let me hear from some of you, and how you are all faring this festive season.
    What is your prayer for Christmas this year???

    P.S.  Oh, and I almost forgot…..well, not really, I just don’t like to think about it… computer also got “something” as well!  A corrupted file was sent to me and affected all of my e-mail folders, and when I turned it on one day, POOF-GONE-Areevadairchee!!!  At least 20 files of very important information….such as:

    * e-mails & pictures from family & friends
    * poetry & stories
    * my journal pages
    * business information
    * recipes
    and other files I can’t bring myself to remember!

    My son worked all day trying to get them back, but alas, to no avail!  Needless to say, I didn’t sleep to well that night, but the next day I made a few phone calls, and joy of joys, I found someone with a sympathetic ear……and boy, did I need sympathy!!  He made me feel at ease, and very hopeful!  Once I explained everything that transpired, he told me it would be a bit of a hassle to get the e-mail files back,  and it would take a little while……..I assumed that he meant a week or two, but he said it would only take one to two hours!  I was totally elated, to say the least!   I thanked him and told him to expect me within the week…..I have yet to take it in, but you can bet I’ll get it there soon.!  I might add, I slept very well that night!  God is good!  He cares about the smallest things that concern us……( however this was no small thing, to me anyway ).  I’m not so sure God was behind whoever invented the computer!  Who did that anyway?    Should we thank him, or send him all the repair bills?  We have gotten so accustomed to using these things, that now when something like this happens, it’s quite traumatic!  Okay, anyone have a computer nightmare to share??!!  Progress isn’t always a good thing in my opinion!  But, at this point in time and history, how could we live without ‘em??!! 
    Well, at least I can say, I still do my dishes by hand!!

    Bless ya all!!

quote and verse

Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.
- Andrew Murray -

God often comes to us,
not in dramatic and the spectacular,
but in quiet, unexpected ways ...
In a still, small voice,
a gentle whisper,
God makes known His love.

In quietness and trust
is your strength.
Isaiah 30:15

Pleasure, possessions, power, and privilege are ultimately worthless in comparison to the indescribable
joy of knowing GOD!!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32:8

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November 2006
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