Day: February 5, 2007

  •             AAbord_country_hearts_02AAbord_country_hearts_02

    Hope you’ve all had a relaxing weekend! 
    I’ve been busy working on those much needed chores, {got that fridge cleaned out, and I do feel so much better!} 
                                                                                                                   Smilie Hands Clapping
    I have more purging to do this week, tackling the cupboards, and two country shelves here in my kitchen that I need to
    go through and organize, and I’m getting ready for another craft show this upcoming weekend, then I’m off until March
    with every weekend solidly booked! 
        Pic Hearts on StringPic Hearts on StringPic Hearts on String

    Since my guys were gone for the weekend, I spent this morning reading the word,
    and then sitting at my Lord’s feet, just listening, before I began my day. 
    What a wonderful place to be….in His presence! 
    “Thou wilt shew me the path of life:
    in thy presence is fullness of joy;
    at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore”. {Psalm 16:11} 
    His word truly is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. {Psalm 119:105}
    There are so many hidden treasures buried in the Scriptures! 
    All we have to do is just ask that He give us a greater understanding as we read,
    and a heart that is teachable, and open, to what He wants us to know.
    As we read His word, and open our hearts to Him, we truly are changed,
    and transformed into His likeness!
    His Word is alive, growing us up in Him! 
    Pic Bible Tiny  Therein lies endless treasures for each of us….
    …forgiveness and mercy for when we stumble,
    …unconditional, everlasting love,
    …rest for the weary, 
    …living waters for the thirsty,
    …perfect peace for a hectic day,
    …faith for a fearful heart,
    …provision for our needs,
    …His strength for our weakness,
    …His perfect will for every step we take!
    “Those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing”.  {Psalm 34:10}

                                                                       Pic Hearts on StringPic Hearts on StringPic Hearts on String

                                                     Bar BaroqueRule10


    To the ARTIST He is the One Altogether Lovely.
    To the ARCHITECT He is the Chief Corner Stone.
    To the BAKER He is the Living Bread.
    To the BANKER He is the Hidden Treasure.
    To the BIOLOGIST He is the Life.
    To the BUILDER He is the Sure Foundation.
    To the CARPENTER He is the Door.
    To the DOCTOR He is the Great Physician.
    To the EDUCATOR He is the Great Teacher.
    To the ENGINEER He is the New and Living Way.
    To the FLORIST He is the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley.
    To the GEOLOGIST He is the Rock of Ages.
    To the HORTICULTURIST He is the True Vine.
    To the JUDGE He is the Righteous Judge, Judge of All Men.
    To the JEWELER He is the Pearl of Great Price.
    To the LAWYER He is the Counselor, the Lawgiver, the Advocate.
    To the NEWSPAPER He is the Good Tidings of Great Joy.
    To the OCULIST He is the Light of the Eyes.
    To the PHILANTHROPIST He is the Unspeakable Gift.
    To the PHILOSOPHER He is the Wisdom of God.
    To the PREACHER He is the Word of God.
    To the SCULPTOR He is the Living Stone.
    To the SERVANT He is the Good Master.
    To the STATESMAN He is the Desire of All Nations.
    To the STUDENT He is the Incarnate Truth.
    To the THEOLOGIAN He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.
    To the TOILER He is the Giver of Rest.
    To the SINNER He is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the World.
    To the CHRISTIAN He is the Son of the Living God, the Savior, the Redeemer, and the LORD.
                                                                                                        ~Author Unknown~

                                          Bar BaroqueRule10 

                                                                   Blinkie Sports Colts Indiana Rules 
                                                             Just in case you’re interested, the Colts won!!

    Have a wonderful week!
    ~Deborah <>< 
    Sig Tag Angel Bear Friend

quote and verse

Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.
- Andrew Murray -

God often comes to us,
not in dramatic and the spectacular,
but in quiet, unexpected ways ...
In a still, small voice,
a gentle whisper,
God makes known His love.

In quietness and trust
is your strength.
Isaiah 30:15

Pleasure, possessions, power, and privilege are ultimately worthless in comparison to the indescribable
joy of knowing GOD!!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32:8

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February 2007
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