Day: June 24, 2008

  • Beach Soft-Winds-Posters

    Hope you’ve all had a wonderful weekend … I’ll share a bit about ours, and then share a devotional with you.  I did hear from Ian a couple of times … he told us he wouldn’t be coming for his birthday next month.  :o (  It’s not financially possible for him right now, so it’s postponed for the time being.  He seems to be doing well, sounds tired though … he’s now teaching a Bible study on Thursday nights … the one by Max Lucado – John 3:16.  He’s enjoying that!  He did travel to San Francisco to tape a conference, and they ended up driving through one of the fires burning on both sides of the highway!  Thankfully they made it through safely, but he said the traffic had been backed up.  *I just heard on the news that there are about 800 fires still burning out there, and some are even going ‘unattended’ because there are so many!  Ian did say that he saw some smoke on a ridge not far from him when I talked with him last night … he asked us to keep praying.  *Also, Lew spent some time early Saturday morning with his parents … and my father-in-law, O.P., isn’t doing very well.  He’s falling asleep all the time, and is extremely weak … they think it’s the medication, so they are working at getting that regulated … if you would, could you please keep them both in your prayers. 

    Sunday … church was wonderful, as always … we’re having a children’s play next weekend … I’ll be taking the pictures while a dear friend of mine does the videotaping.  Her husband is the ‘director’ … I just love church plays!  We have no idea what this one is about … they’ve sure been busy practicing alot, though!  I remember Ian being ‘Baby Jesus’, when he was about one, in a Christmas play at church … yours truly was Mary, and of course, hubby was Joseph.  He (that is, Ian!) just gurgled and smiled through the whole thing! :o)  Another time, when he was about 6, he played ‘The Little Drummer Boy’ … they even put that play on at the shopping mall … those were such special times, and now, special memories.  After church we went to lunch with some friends, spent time at an antique mall, and then headed over to spend some time with Tim’s family for the evening … they were in town at their oldest son’s house.  We were invited to stay for dinner and had some of the best burgers on the grill.  Tim shared some photos of Ian I hadn’t seen before … I’m hoping to get some copies to share.  Another storm came up while we were there … it looked pretty dark for awhile, but thankfully, it blew over without too much fuss … seems it’s becoming a daily occurrence, so we’re always ready with the candles and flashlight … oh, and the bucket for the basement!  It was, and is always good being with Tim’s family.  Lewis is down south working with Tim’s dad this week, and also spent the night last night … which will save on lots of gasoline!  It’s about $4.05 here now … ouch!   Someone said it may be $5.00 soon … that will be very ‘painful’!   So many people we know are struggling to make ends meet now!  Well, I do know that whatever we’re dealing with today, whatever trials we’re traveling through, we still have reason to rejoice …

    “Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance.” - Romans 5:3

    And, finally, speaking of ‘joy’ … in church Sunday, we heard about being ‘filled with joy, no matter what our circumstances are at the time.  Here are a few nuggets about this ‘fruit of the spirit’ that I’ve since come across, and also something that I just received in another devotional … just may be that God is trying to say something about this thing called ‘joy’ ?!  … thought I would share it with you!  I’ll be by to catch up with you soon!  I pray that you all have a blessed and joy-full week!

    Starfish blue
                     ~ Deborah <><

    P.S.  I entered a photo over at
    BetsaflyGallery for this week’s theme on ‘Wild Animals’ … you’ll find some great entries over there, so, please do stop in for a quick peek!  Now, continuing on with our theme of ‘joy’ …..

    beach sunset

    - A Daily Devotional

    The world often associates joy with happiness and pleasure.  Unknown to most of them, joy is vastly different from happiness.  A person who has joy can be happy, but a person who is happy might not have joy.  As we know, happiness is something that is temporal but joy is something that is lasting.  Happiness is caused by outward circumstances but joy is something that comes from within us.

    When we truly have joy in our heart, people around us can feel and notice it.  They will start to see the difference between us and them.  The best way to testify of God is not just using our lips, but with our life.  Because joy is such an important element in our lives and our walk with God, the devil wants to take such joy away from our heart.  He has done quite a successful job in it since we are not filled with the joy of the Lord most of the time.  Out of our lips come forth murmurings and complaining instead of thanksgiving.  Instead of giving thanks to the Lord when a thing happens, we often end up sighing or just responding negatively.

    We also need to know that only Jesus is our source of joy.  There is no way we can find real joy apart from Him.  Since He is the living water, only when we partake of Him will we have joy in our heart.  We can try to find happiness from the world through pleasures, entertainment, riches and fame and so on.  However, we will soon find that these things can never satisfy the emptiness within our heart, for they are all vanity.  We can gain the world and find no joy because we will lose our soul.  Only in Him can we find our joy Therefore, we cannot try to find joy in any other thing apart from the Lord.

    The moment we try to satisfy ourselves apart from Him, we forsake Him, the fountain of living waters; we forsake our real joy giver.  After that, we hew out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water for ourselves.  This speaks of us trying to get joy through the vain things of the world, for they cannot produce joy nor keep the joy that we have.  Thus, we need to know Him as our real joy giver and not to turn to other things to give us joy.

    The prophet Jeremiah said something that we all need to learn: “thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart”.  Has God’s word been the joy and rejoicing of your heart?  There can be no way that His word will be the joy and rejoicing of our heart unless we yearn and thirst for Him, to have a closer relationship with Him.  May we all find joy in Him and have joy in our heart. 

    “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.”  – Jeremiah 15:16

    Joy is cheerfulness that is a calm delight with gladness which can be exceedingly great.

    Seven Ways to Cultivate Joy
    by Insight for Living

    Want more joy in your day?  Cultivate it!  Joy springs from viewing the day’s events from eternity’s perspective.  With this intentional focus, you’re sure to see today differently—with more joy and conviction that God is at work in your life.

    1. Rehearse with God the reasons you trust Him.  Tell Him which of His attributes is your favorite right now. Read the praises of Scripture back to Him—begin with Psalm 103.  Join with another believer in prayers of thanksgiving, and delight yourself in His character.

    2. Keep a “joy journal.”  Record the reasons you have to rejoice and the reminders of God’s faithfulness that you encounter in your everyday life.  In addition, why not press a leaf from your prayer walks into its pages or include a photo of a person that brings you joy each time you remember him or her?  Think big—expand your journal into a “joy box” or a “joy drawer” that brings floods of joy each time you open it.

    3. Surround yourself with joyful people.  Joy is contagious—so build relationships with friends whose lives exhibit their confidence in God.  Pray for each other that your joy in Christ would continue to increase.

    4. Approach life’s challenges and trials redemptively.  God doesn’t waste the difficult circumstances of your life but uses them to develop His character in you.  Review Romans 5 and James 1 for help in processing pressure productively.  Joy will sneak up on you when you view your hardest lessons as gifts from God.

    5. Make praise and gratitude a habit.  Has God met a need?  Praise Him!  Have your challenges given you greater opportunities to see Him work?  Thank Him!  Joy flows from a grateful and responsive heart.  Before you turn in at night, write down three to five blessings in your “joy journal.”  Make it a habit, and watch your joyful attitude grow.

    6. Fill your mind with music.  Listen to, sing, and meditate on music that draws your heart nearer to God and His Word.

    7. Take the long view.  Investors advise their clients not to worry about the daily ups and downs of the stock market—what matters is the long view.  Does life present incredible challenges today?  Are your reserves at a low, or are you enjoying a content plateau?  Regardless of today’s events, take the long view.  Remember that God remains in charge of your days and will faithfully develop His character in you.

    Can you think of some other ways that would ‘cultivate joy‘?

    Remember, joy springs from viewing the day’s events from eternity’s perspective.  Trust that God controls your life’s details (Romans 8:28), that He hears your every request (Psalm 116:1), and that His joy will be your strength (Nehemiah 8:10). 

    “A life of intimacy with God is characterized by Joy.”  – Oswald Chambers

    Sig Tag The Joy of the Lord

quote and verse

Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.
- Andrew Murray -

God often comes to us,
not in dramatic and the spectacular,
but in quiet, unexpected ways ...
In a still, small voice,
a gentle whisper,
God makes known His love.

In quietness and trust
is your strength.
Isaiah 30:15

Pleasure, possessions, power, and privilege are ultimately worthless in comparison to the indescribable
joy of knowing GOD!!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32:8

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