Month: June 2008

  • Transplanting …


    janet kruskamp potting barn framed  


    Pic Potted Tulips Gloves Book Rake  TRANSPLANTING …
                                              – Gail Rodgers

    The flowers are doing well in their new location.  I wasn’t sure when I dug them up if they would flourish under the 
    of the eves.  Sometimes I have transplanted my flowers and they seem to wilt at first.  Then the roots start to tap into the new soil and a fresh crop of flowers grows.

    God sometimes transplants us.  Often we aren’t sure the new location won’t simply be a place where we will just wilt.  Yet 
    God can be trusted to do what is best.  He sometimes picks us up from a familiar spot and we find ourselves in new  situations or even locations and we feel fragile.

    Every transplanted flower takes a bit of the old dirt with it … dirt that protects the roots and gives nourishment as the
    plant re-roots itself in new soil.  When God transplants us we also take with us some of the ground we have grown in.   We 
    take the lessons learned and the memories made.  We take with us the experiences of trusting God and of finding Him
    faithful. These things become part of the new soil as we put down new roots.

    When God transplants us we can be sure the season will be right. We can trust His choice of the spot in His garden where just the right amount of sun and shade will help us flourish.  We can know He will bring new blossoms to our lives even when we feel we are wilting in all the change.

    “He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season…” (Psalm 1:3). 

    If you find yourself in a new place in life and feel like you are wilting, stop and consider these points so you can grow in new ways …

     Animated Sun little Embrace the change.  Quit struggling and allow your roots to go down into your new soil knowing your Heavenly Father will nourish you in this new place.

     Animated Sun little Recall His faithfulness to you in the other times and places in your life.  His track record is sure and He will not leave you in a sun scorched place to wither.

    Animated Sun little Look for things to praise God about in your new place. Praise will help hasten the new blossoms in your life. 

    Animated Sun little Enjoy each day as a gift from Him.

    Father God,
    Forgive me for resisting the changes You are bringing into my life.
    Let my roots go down deep into Your faithfulness and love.
    Bring Your fragrance through me to this new place and bring new growth to my life.
    In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


    I do pray that you’re all enjoying your week so far.  Here, the sun has been shining … the skies have been beautiful, and we’ve had a couple of days to dry out here in the state, but it’s a bit cloudy now, and we’re expecting more rain soon … the clean up south of us has begun, and we’re praying for a miracle that any rain pass us all by, this time.  I also spoke to Ian yesterday morning … there were some fires burning near Monterey, and Salinas, California … he could see the smoke from them.  We’re all praying that they get them under control, and they don’t get any closer to where he is.  Mom Betty is battling bronchitis … and not doing too well … they’ve been treating her, but she doesn’t seem to be getting better.  Again, we’d so appreciate your prayers for her, the weather here, and the fires out in Calilfornia.  There’s is so much comfort in knowing someone is standing with you in prayer when there is a need.  Thank you for all the prayers you’ve sent our way! 

    There is some happy news … we became a great aunt, and uncle, at 2:59pm, Tuesday afternoon.  God blessed our niece, and her sweet husband, Josh, with a beautiful little girl, Rylie Elizabeth … weighing in at 6 pounds-even, and 20 inches long.  Mom & baby are doing quite well!  I was a little concerned about that birth weight, but they are both small themselves.  I want to get over there to take photos to share soon.  Babies are fun to photograph.  I would have loved to have been there during the birth, but things happened pretty fast.  It’s Josh & Lindsey’s first child, and they are so happy … not to mention my brother and sister-in-law … Rylie is their first grandchild, and they couldn’t be more pleased!  She’s headed home today with that special little bundle.  Also, Tim and his family made it back safe and sound yesterday … your prayers were much appreciated for them, as well … that was a definitely long trip home
    Well, I need to go get more soap ready to go to the antique mall today … it’s selling very well down there this month, and that’s more good news … yes, we are in the midst of some trials, but still, there is so much more to be thankful to our Father for! 

    Button Blueflower THE RAIN OF HIS SPIRIT

    Thank Him for the storms that break open the dry, parched ground and allow the renewing rain of His Spirit to pour into our lives … It’s the weight of the wind and the force of the storm that make deep, sturdy roots and strong solid trees.  “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him.  He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots bv the stream.  – Jeremiah 17:7-8 

    I pray you all have a most blessed day!
    Tiny Tag flower bird  Hugs.
                  ~ Deborah

    Bullitt Spring Flowers Planters


    Well, a quick update here … we did have a break in the weather Sunday, and were able to finish cleaning things up in the basement during the afternoon … but another day of storms were in store for us here again today … a ‘gully washer’, along with strong winds, and lightning, came through mid-afternoon, then there was a break, but now it’s raining again tonight … no leaks so far, though, but they are saying we could get 1 to 3 more inches overnight!  A little sparrow found refuge on our porch earlier today, and was joyfully singing as the storm was raging around him … a spiritual lesson there, to be sure!  

    Bless you all, and thank you for your thoughts and prayers … we are finding out that more friend’s families have been affected south of us.  We haven’t heard from a couple of them … we are praying.  My husband usually goes to the jail to minister in one of the harder hit locations, on Tuesday nights, and we’re unsure if that will be happening tomorrow night … they had announced over the radio not to go in, or out of, that town since it’s again under a flash flood warning.  We’ve heard in some areas there is so much water, that people are unable to get out, so they were dropping food and water in at some locations by helicopter.  Churches have opened their doors, to help others that are flooded out of their homes, and of course, the Red Cross is hard at work.  Other than that, it’s been pretty uneventful around here the past few days!  There was church yesterday, everything was working fine with the electricity back on.  A few people weren’t there because they were having to deal with an even worse situation then we did.  The church will rally around and meet the needs of those who were affected.  One couple had their basement completely flooded up to their first floor … some type of oil, or fuel, got all over their things, and they’re trying desperately to get the smell out of their clothes … the stains came out after a good washing, but the stubborn smell remains … does anyone know of anything that would take out that smell?  They’ve pretty much lost everything else that was in their basement.  If you have any hints, tips, or suggestions, please pass it along! 

    We did hear from Tim and his family Sunday night … their trip home is still going very well, and they should be home sometime on Tuesday.  Thank you again, for your prayers for them … God has blessed with a wonderful time as they’re traveling cross country.   I hope you’re all doing well, and having a wonderful week so far.  I’ll be making my rounds here to catch up with you soon.  I’ll leave you with a little devotion that I read today … one that touches the heart when times are rough for us, or for those around us … and as I was reading it … I also remembered that little sparrow that sang through the storm!  Many blessings, and have a terrific Tuesday! 

    Tiny Tag Amereta's Graphics spring_dsy01Hugs,
               ~ Deborah <>< 

    bar_vine  for great from 4millerfamily com bkg

    The Ripple Effect  

    “Let each of you esteem and look upon and be concerned for not [merely] his own interests,
    but also each for the interests of others.”   ~ Philippians 2:4

    What God does in my life, is not just about my life.  What happens to me may sometimes have more to do with what He wants to accomplish in the life of someone near to me.  If in my life I have a triumph or tragedy, whatever the case may be, it may be something being used to influence, aid, or transform others (perhaps many others) in order that they become more of what God desires them to be.  Though it may be difficult for us to understand, a Christ-like heart in us will be one where, regardless of personal circumstances, we rejoice in the Lord because we know He is truly working all things to the good.  It is through His eyes that we will learn to see our difficult times may be the very thing needed to draw others to Jesus.  In this, there is much cause to rejoice.  And as we rejoice, that too is something that will most assuredly be used in the lives of others.



    Hmmm … I’m kinda gettin’ a feeling about what it might have been like to live in the Days of Noah! 

    Well, we don’t normally have a lot of flooding in our area … but, overnight we had more storms roll in, and they, very generously, left our area with anywhere from 6 to 11 inches of rain!  Our back yard now looks like a pond, with the ducks joyfully gathering … I’ve never had a duck in my backyard … until today! 

    The pictures we’re seeing on televsion, not far from us, are un-believable!  If we do venture out, we can’t get very far because of blocked roads from all the rain.  Some counties are under a state-of-emergency, and they are telling people to just stay home.  We are thankful that we aren’t underwater as many others are right now, however, we are dealing with our basement … we can hear water coming in through the wall, seeping in, and we have about 4 areas where it’s been forming some good sized ‘streams’.  We’ve been at it most of the day, throwing clothes, towels, anything down to try to stop the leaking, but it’s still coming in, soaking everything … we’ve moved the boxes of soap, etc., and are doing the best we can at getting the water up as fast as it’s coming in.  We’re also using an industrial mop and bucket to get more up … and right now we are on a ‘mop-break’.  We’re having to go down every 15 to 30 minutes and mop up more of the ‘streams’.  We do  have a sump pump, and we are praying that it holds out, and also that our electricity doesn’t go out … if it did, we’d be hauling buckets of rain water up, and out of the basement, but, after seeing the pictures they’re showing with what others are going through right now, our hearts and prayers are going out to them … I’m so very thankful that our electricity is still on, and that all we’re dealing with are a few 
    ‘streams in the basement’!  

    More News:  Major Interstates are now closed in many areas, some roads are washing out … the hospital emergency room which is in the hospital directly across from where Mom Betty and O.P. are living, had to close and are sending patients to other hospitals due to water pouring in!  My in-laws are safe and secure, and we are thankful for that!  A few of our friends live down in that area, and some are dealing with major flooding very near their homes.  Others we have yet to hear from.  Tim’s grandparents live down in an area where it is very bad … I spoke to his mom, and I’m waiting to hear back to see how they’re doing.  The roads down there are completely flooded, and no one can get in, or out.  They are saying about 10 of the bridges in the area are closed.  There is a grouping of smaller lakes down there, and as each one is flooding, they are pouring over into the next one.  I just heard they are sending the Coast Guard down from the Great Lakes to help in rescue efforts!  We are hearing sirens every so often as they pass our home.  There are places under water that have never seen flooding before.  It is unreal!  They’re saying that we are breaking a 100 year old record in the area, and unfortunately, could be more scattered rainshowers for this evening … that would just make everything much worse than it already is!  Be praying that we don’t get anymore rain!  If we do here, we’ll probably be on ‘mop & bucket’ duty most of the night!

    Earlier this morning, Lewis had planned on going to the church for a ‘work day’ around the building with the other men, but there’s no electricity there, so they called that off … they also called off the campfire that had been scheduled for tonight … and we’re not sure if they’re going to have church in the morning without power.  It is about 90* here now and very muggy … I tried getting pictures of the ducks, but when I walk outside the camera lense immediately fogs up, so I can’t get a good shot.  They do look like they’re enjoying themselves, though … I’m enjoying watching them on my ‘breaks’ … so is my cat! 

    There is some good news … we did call Tim, and his family, to find out how they were doing on their trip home, and to fill them in on what’s been happening here today … they tell us everything is going very well, thank you for those prayers for them!  They are having a wonderful time right now … they have plans to visit Hoover Dam, and then to the Grand Canyon.  I know we’ll have lots of pictures to see, and lots to talk about when they get back!  

    Well, that’s a fairly detailed update from my part of the world … I do pray that you’re all ‘high and dry’, and are having a good weekend, so far.  Let me know what you have planned … we, of course, have ‘clean up duty’ downstairs, and now, the buzzer buzzed, and the break is over … we have our mops and bucket we need to get back to … we appreciate the prayers, as do many others here.  I’ll update more soon.  Have a blessed Sunday! 

    ~ Deborah <><

    Bar Mops

    He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High
    shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.  Psalm 91:1

    ~ Reflection ~

    Safety.  Refuge.  Protection. 
    The Lord God Almighty is an impregnable fortress for those who place their trust in Him. 
    He is a strong shelter to those who depend on His name. 
    Never shall He fail.  Never shall He weaken. Never shall those who trust in Him be dismayed! 
    Trust in Him and take courage in His majesty!

  • rain umbrella

    Hope you’re all having a good week so far.  We’ve been dealing with the weather the past couple of days, and today I’m so very thankful that we’ve had no significant damage to our property, other than a couple of huge limbs that fell from the trees!  There was a lot of damage down south of our home this last round, but God has protected us again.  I’ve never known it to be this bad here … the winds were fierce, leveling buildings to their foundations, tossing cars around like toys, and I even saw a semi-trailor truck turned completely upside down.  Another tornado damaged 40 buildings at the Indiana National Guard’s Camp Atterbury … so much destruction, and they said a trailor was picked up by the storm, and landed on the roof of a public works building there on the base.  Also, a long span, two lane, covered bridge in our state was completely destroyed, built in 1886 … this was one I had yet to see … it had withstood many a storm for 122 years … and I could go on and on!  They’re saying we could have the possibility of more storms over the next few days, along with very warm, and muggy conditions.  I pray the weather in your area is much calmer than what we’ve recently experienced here!   

    I also ask you for your prayers … Tim, who has been out in California with Ian, is beginning the long drive back home here to Indiana this morning, with part of his family.  I’d so appreciate your prayers for their safe travels … he’s with his father, younger sister, and little brother … and no, Ian is not coming back with them    … I was so hoping!  He’ll still continue to work at the church, where his schedule is full these days.  He doesn’t know exactly when, but he’ll be coming home … he’s talking about the possibility of a couple of missionary trips first … one being this summer, and one in December before he would come home.  We’re hoping the first of the year.  We do miss our son!  We are praying for God’s will to be done in his life.  Some of you may remember, around this time last year, when I posted about their trip out to California, when they first flew out for a couple of weeks, and then when my husband drove them out for a longer stay.  What started out to be only a few months, has now become a little more than a year.  It’s been a long year for me, and yes, many times difficult, but I know that God has a purpose for everything that He’s allowed in my life through this … I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that in His love, He’s taught me to trust ……

    Well, this is a little off the norm, but I’ve gotten two of these e-mails on this ‘tip’, and I thought it worthy enough to pass along, especially since most of us deal with this pesky ’little’ problem in the warmer months anyway.  Have any of you ever heard of this?  I think it’s worth trying … just to see if it does works!   I would love feedback on it … so let’s try it and compare notes!   You all have a blessed day!

       ~ Deborah <><

                                                  animated mosquito original listerine animated mosquito


    I thought I’d share this since we have a mosquito problem here … the best way to get rid of those bothersome bugs is, believe it or not, … LISTERINE MOUTHWASH!  The original flavored medicinal type, in that BIG bottle, which costs lots less then the ‘chemical’ bug sprays, costing a small fortune, and those don’t last too long, either!  The cheap dollar store, generic brand works just as well.  The thing that I’m happy about, is it’s so much safer without the added DEET, like you’ll find in the ‘chemical’ brands, making it safer for spraying on the skin.

    We were at an outdoor dinner party, where the mosquitos were having their own ‘dinner’, when the host began spraying his lawn and deck with LISTERINE (undiluted), and those bothersome bugs were gone!  Well, I went home and I filled a 4-oz. spray bottle (full strength) and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitos … and it really does work!  I also use it to spray around the picnic tables, children’s swing area, and any standing water … anywhere those mosquitos can be found!  It doesn’t take much, and the effect will last a couple of days.

    During the warmer weather, I don’t leave home without it!  So, give this a try around your home and yard, and by spraying your door frames and window frames … you can even spray it in the dog house!

    Pass it on to anyone you care about!  You’ll all be ‘skeeter’ free this summer! 



    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
    You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
    - Psalm 23:5 –

    God calls me to do something, and I begin with enthusiasm. 
    But as some point my fervor fades, and my dedication dissipates. 
    I find I’ve very little left to give. 
    Perhaps it’s because I’ve been neglecting being filled.
    David said, ‘My cup overflows.’ 

    It is difficult to find your cup overflowing
    if you do not intentionally hold your cup under the outpouring of God.

    All too often, we ask the Lord why we feel empty, or why we don’t see His fruits,
    or why we don’t feel His presence, or His power, or understand His purpose. 
    All too often, we struggle to find His will and wonder what we’re missing;
    all the while we have yet to diligently seek Him with a whole heart. 
    We are like a man who eats nothing all day and wonders why he is hungry the next morning. 
    But God is faithful, and ‘He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.’ 
    Are you empty inside?  Seek the Lord diligently and with all your heart.

    ‘Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness,
    for they shall be filled.’
    - Matthew 5:6 -

    Hope you all have a beautiful, and blessed day!
    Hugs ~ Deborah <><

    tag Jesus fills my cup



    - T.A.McMahon

    Have you considered your present schedule with the One who loves you beyond measure?

    Spending time with each other is a prerequisite for a growing personal relationship.
    The same applies to our personal relationship with Jesus.
    Since His Word is all about Him, it follows that getting to know Him better
    requires our spending time in the Scriptures.

    Think of spending time with Jesus this way:

    The average reader could read the 66 books of the Scriptures in 72 hours.

    If you spent 2 hours a day reading the Bible, you could complete it in 36 days.

    An hour a day would accomplish that blessed experience in about 2 1/2 months.

    Half an hour a day would take you from Genesis through Revelation in 5 months.

    Just 15 minutes a day will enrich your life with the full counsel and comfort of God in 10 months.

    One can also read through-the-Bible in one year by reading three chapters a day, and five chapters on each Lord’s Day

    Again, I ask, have you considered your present schedule with the One who loves you beyond measure?

    God … is longing for a time of communion with His children.  Specifically, He longs to meet with you.  He knows you know that He loves you.  But still, He wants to say it again.  He knows you know that He is faithful, but He wants to show His faithfulness once again.  - Anonymous

    bar_vine  for great from 4millerfamily com bkg

quote and verse

Faith expects from God what is beyond all expectation.
- Andrew Murray -

God often comes to us,
not in dramatic and the spectacular,
but in quiet, unexpected ways ...
In a still, small voice,
a gentle whisper,
God makes known His love.

In quietness and trust
is your strength.
Isaiah 30:15

Pleasure, possessions, power, and privilege are ultimately worthless in comparison to the indescribable
joy of knowing GOD!!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5,6

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go:
I will guide thee with mine eye.
Psalm 32:8

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